It is not possible to apply directly to the school to obtain a place for your child.
Penn Fields School caters for students who have moderate and complex learning difficulties and school places are recommended by the Local Authority during or following a students EHCP process. If a place is suggested you can telephone to arrange an appointment to view the school and are warmly invited to look around and talk to a member of the senior leadership team. You are welcome to bring your child on a pre-visit prior to the school being named on a EHCP. We may contact a previous school and/or make a home or school visit if necessary.
All students attend school on a full time basis. Admissions dates are throughout the year and in some circumstances a phased induction may be appropriate. When it is agreed to admit a student, a number of general forms will need to be completed including Medical, General Consent for outdoor activities, use of the internet, student Information and a Home School Agreement.
How can I get my child recommended to an SEN school?
Any professional working with a child, young person or family can make a referral to the authority for an Education, Health or Care Assessment. It is usual for referrals to come from the child/young person's educational provider but any parent or young person (over the age of 16) can make a direct request. However, it is recommended you first speak to the young person's existing teacher or Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo) as they will be able to help you.
If you require further information please email the school or contact Wolverhampton Education Authority. You can click on the City of Wolverhampton Council logo below to view a web page which you may also find helpful.
The Special Educational Needs Statutory Assessment and Review Team (SENSTART) may be contacted on 01902 555961.

Please note that requests by parents/carers regarding transport arrangements should be directed to Pupil Transport Services at Wolverhampton Civic Centre on 01902 551122.