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30 Days Art 'Wild' Challenge!

Join me and some Artist friends in an art challenge for the Month of June.

’30 Days Wild' is this years theme. When we have completed the challenge we will exhibit our Art work in the beautiful outside space we have at Penn Fields School as soon as we are able.

The Wildlife trust has been our inspiration.

To be part of the challenge, create a piece of art work inspired by the theme 'Wild' every day for 30 days starting on Monday 1st June.

You might take a photograph, make a sculpture, draw, paint or create a collage of anything that means wild to you.

Then photograph your work, you can give it a title or day number if you wish and email it to me at:

I will share the work on the school website and then we will collect it together to have a 'Wild' exhibition to celebrate our creations during these wild times.

Full details can be found on the school website in the:

> home learning

> class handouts

> Miss Cooper Art work

> 30 days wild challenge

Let's go wild!

Miss Cooper :)

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