Penn Fields School remains open, please see the below letter sent home with students today (Thursday 19th March 2020).
Dear Parents and Carers,
Here at Penn Fields School, we have been working hard to ensure that as a school we can continue to remain open as normal.
Following the information shared last night about schools staying open for students with an EHCP we are doing everything we can to ensure this happens, however there will need to be some alterations to the day.
We already have over 30% off staff off, which means next week we will not be able to run a full school day safely.
From Monday 23rd March, there will be a reduced school day. Students will arrive as normal, but the day will finish earlier – the time of the end of the school day is to be confirm and I will be sure to communicate this with you all tomorrow.
We understand that this is a difficult time for our students, so to support those students that are anxious or worried about the changes we have two social stories on the home page of the school website:
For those students who are currently not in school we have home learning packs printed and these will be making there way home over the next week.
At present we are risk assessing staffing and student ratios daily to ensure we can continue to offer a safe, supportive, learning and working environment. If you are choosing to keep your child at home due to having an underlying health condition, please inform the school as soon as possible and we will arrange for a home learning pack to be sent to you.
Students who upon arrival to school or throughout the day who are identified as having a raised temperature or a dry / new cough will be sent home and parents / carers will need to follow Government guidance on isolation.
If your child has a raised temperature or a dry / new cough before arriving to school, please do not send them into school, follow Government guidance.
Below is the Government website address where you can find up to date information on the coronavirus.
If you are or feel like you are classed as a Key Worker, please can you inform the school office as soon as possible.
Many thanks for your ongoing support during these time of uncertainty and please be sure to check in on our school website for further updates:
Best Wishes
Ms Thackaberry