Dear Parents/Carers,
It is with sadness that I am writing to inform you that Ms Thackaberry has decided to move on from Penn Fields at the end of this term. Ms Thackaberry will be moving to a new post in January 2024, remaining with us until for the final few weeks of term.
Since Ms Thackaberry became Head Teacher at Penn Fields she has had one clear vision to improve the quality of education, and learner experiences at the school. She has effectively achieved both. She has been an inspirational Head Teacher, she has led and supported staff, implemented strategies across the school to improve the quality of education for all.
Ms Thackaberry will be sadly missed but she leaves behind, a school in good place.
The Governing Body have approved, that from January 2024, Mrs Payne and Mr Ellis will be co Heads, until such time that a substantive Head can be appointed.
We understand that any period of change can be unsettling for both parents, carers and students and we would like to reassure you that we are working with the staff to ensure stability and consistency for the school both in the short and long-term. As always, our key focus and priority is the welfare and education of our students.
If you have any concerns at all do not hesitate to contact the school or Governing Body via office@pennfields.com
Yours sincerely,

Adrian Peberdy
Chair of Governors - Penn Fields School