The aim of the day each year is to support students and families to use the Internet and all the benefits it brings while also staying safe.
This year, Penn Fields going even further and have a Safer Internet Week from 8th - 12th February.
We think this is particularly important as many students are learning remotely, are online and using the internet more during this lockdown.
Students in all year groups will take
part in two additional Teams lessons during the week that will cover age-appropriate internet safety information.
Mr. Yates will also lead Internet Safety Sessions on Zoom for parents and carers of upper school students to help you promote safe internet use at home.
Invites for the sessions have been sent via parent and carer emails.
Key Stage 4 and 5 - Zoom session at 3.30 on Tuesday 9th February
Key Stage 3 - Zoom session at 3.30 on Thursday 11th February
Sessions for parents and carers of lower school students will be arranged at a later date.