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School Closure – Wednesday 9th November 2022


Dear Parent / Carer,

RE: School Closure – Wednesday 9th November 2022

I am writing to inform you that last week, a long serving member of our facilities team (of 30 years) and an ex Penn Fields student suddenly passed away whilst at home.

As you can imagine this news was a shock to all and it has been a difficult time for staff members at Penn Fields School, Highfields School, as well as our joint facilities team.

With many staff members from both schools and the facilities team wishing to support the close family and pay their respects at the funeral, the decision has been made to close Penn Fields School on Wednesday 9th November 2022.

I would like to reassure you that the passing of this member of staff will not have impacted on our students due to our facilities team working within school around the school day.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and compassion with regards to this matter.

Kind Regards

Ms Thackaberry


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