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Primary Swimming Progress

STAnley Swimming Awards


At Penn Fields, we follow the Swimming Teachers’ Association (STA) International Learn to Swim Programme. The initial STAnley First Steps series of seven swimming awards focus on the basics of swimming and water safety skills. Penn Fields has adopted this programme to develop our primary student’s confidence in water and basic swimming skills.


After completing the Stanley First Steps series, Penn Fields swimmers progress to the Goldfish, then Octopus Series.


To find out more, click the link below:


2023-24 STAnley Awards Data 


These graphs show our primary aged student’s progress in the STA International Learn to Swim Programme. This programme aims to provide a complete progressive aquatic pathway for learners of all ages, to progress from their first aquatic experiences through to becoming safe proficient swimmers.


The students in Year 1 are still accessing water confidence and the early pathway.


Stanley Awards and Achievement 2023-24


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Octopus and Angel Fish Awards and Achievement 2023-24

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Distance Swimming Awards


The National Curriculum states that all primary aged students must be provided with swimming and water safety lessons in either Key Stage 1 or 2. Furthermore, it states that by the end of Year 6, all students should be able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. Our students continue to work towards challenging, yet achievable, swimming goals according to their physical abilities. We also offer off-site swimming for some students in Year 6 to support their distance swimming and achieving the recommended goal.


2023-24 Distance Swimming Data


These graphs show our primary aged students progress towards the national aim for all students to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, by the end of Year 6.


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