Pupil Premium
At Penn Fields School we have the very highest expectations of, and aspirations for, all our students. Our Governing Body share our belief that every student should have equal opportunities to achieve the best possible life chances, and we share the drive to ensure all students are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential.
We make every effort to ensure our disadvantaged students receive outstanding support and believe it is essential all of our students reach their potential as a result of excellent teaching. The Department for Education (DfE) provides Pupil Premium Funding (PPF) to schools based on the number of students from the following groups; primary and secondary age students eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), Looked-After Children (LAC) or previously Looked-After Children, with the school deciding on how the funding is used to support the student’s Personal Education Plan (PEP) and the Academically Able, the use of PPF aims to support schools in closing the disadvantage gap.
In making provision for socio-economically disadvantaged students, we understand not all students who receive free school meals will be disadvantaged. We also acknowledge not all students who are socio-economically disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any students or groups of students the school has legitimately identified as being socio-economically disadvantaged.
As a school, we recognise it is not the funding itself that will improve achievement and attainment, but how it is implemented. The Department for Education (DfE) expects us to use PPF appropriately and to be accountable for the decisions we make. At Penn Fields, the active involvement of the Governors, through effective and rigorous scrutiny, and monitoring, ensure the efficient management of PPF. We are clear in the way our interventions are targeted to ensure FSM students benefit from PPF. However, we acknowledge that making improvements to teaching and learning is not exclusive to students on FSM, and consequently other students will receive the advantage from this.
We have a commitment to successfully supporting all the students at Penn Fields by promoting an ethos of attainment, providing an individualised approach to addressing barriers to learning and supporting emotional health. Our focus on high quality teaching, deployment of the staff, development of staff skills and roles, alongside our responsiveness to the evidence gained by our data contribute to the overall effectiveness of our PPF.
Please click on the link below for the summary of the PPF expenditure and interventions at Penn Fields School