School Closures
In the event of adverse weather, a decision may be taken to close the school.
The Director for Education may decide in the interests of public safety that all schools in the Authority must close. This will only happen if actual or forecast weather conditions are very severe. It must be remembered that closure of all schools, particularly at short notice, is very difficult to justify because of the considerable inconvenience it causes to a very large number of parents/carers, as well as disrupting children’s education.
In the event of a city-wide closure, Wolverhampton City Council staff will:
Inform schools by email if the decision is made before 3pm on the preceding day
Post information on the 'Wolverhampton Today - School Closures' Facebook page and the City of Wolverhampton Council Twitter feed. This is the agreed method for informing the local radio stations of any closures
Post information on the City of Wolverhampton Council website
If there is no definite announcement about Wolverhampton schools by 7.30am, it can be assumed that there has not been a general closure.
Even if there is no general closure, the Headteacher may decide, in the light of local circumstances, to close the school. The health and safety of students must be the main consideration in any such decision.
The decision to close the school will be made in line with Wolverhampton Local Authority guidelines which state that 'schools should operate normally wherever possible and only resort to closure or early closure in exceptional circumstances'.
If there is heavy snowfall overnight then a decision about whether or not to close the school will be made at 7am. Information on this decision will be placed on the home page of the school website. A message will also be sent to parents/carers' mobile phones.
If the school is closed, we will inform the Local Authority who will post information on all school closures on the council's website.