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School Meals

School Meals


School meals are cooked and served on the premises and we encourage a healthy eating programme. There is a ‘cafeteria’ service with a ‘knife and fork club’ family service supporting those who need support at meal times. Facilities are also available for children who wish to bring sandwiches.


​Students are not allowed to bring fizzy drinks or cans of pop as part of their lunch due to our Healthy Eating policy. Water is freely available both in the dining room and at various points around the school.



​From the 1st September 2024, for those not entitled to a free school meal, the cost will increase from £2.75 to £2.90 per day. We are a cashless school so dinner money is accepted via SchoolComms. Payments should be made via the School Gateway App weekly, in advance.

If you have not yet signed up the School Gateway App please contact the office for guidance.


Should you wish to change from school meals to packed lunches, or vice versa, please give the office staff at least one week’s notice.


An example of our lunch menu can be found below.

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